Municipal inspector – urbanism

In order to meet the needs of the municipality, we will be working with the firm Gestim for the study, inspections and issuance of its permit applications.

Our municipal inspector is accessible remotely only.

  • Emails requests will be prioritized;
  • Phone calls will be retruned within a period of 2 days
  • Print the permit application form and return it by email.

You may contact the municipal inspector at: or leave a message at 819-826-3555.

Phone calls will be returned within 2 days.
Print the permit application form and return it by email.

Tax credit for the upgrading of residential wastewater treatment plants.

Clic HERE  to access informations for the tax credit for the upgrading of residential waste water treatment systems.

CLIC HERE for the PDF document to be printed and filed.

Be aware of new safety standards for private pools

Complying with the New Safety Standards

If your pool was installed before November 1st, 2010, you have until July 1st, 2023, to meet most of the safety standards outlined in this article. However, the government is considering extending this deadline to September 1, 2025. To ensure that your pool meets the new safety standards, follow the guidelines below.


Most pools are now required to have fences around them. This is especially true if the pool has a depth of 60 cm or more. This regulation even includes inflatable or temporary pools. The fence must be at least 1.2 meters high, prevent the passage of any round object with a diameter of 10 cm or more, and be difficult to climb. The links in chain-link fences have to be 3 cm or less, otherwise vertical slats will have to be inserted. All entrances to the pool area must have a self-closing and self-locking safety device to prevent unsupervised access.


To prevent children from accessing the pool area by climbing on nearby objects, any equipment or fixed structure on which a child could climb must be installed at least one meter from the fence or pool wall if no fence is required.


If your pool has a diving board, it must comply with the safety standards of the Bureau de normalization du Québec (standards office of Quebec). For example, diving boards should have a maximum length of 2.45 meters and the minimum depth of the water at the plummet should be at least 2 meters.

Check Your Municipal By-Laws

It’s always a good idea to check with your municipality to see if they have any additional regulations regarding swimming pools. A permit is mandatory before you can install a pool.

Other Safety Measures to Consider


Pool alarms are designed to alert homeowners when someone enters the pool area. There are different types of pool alarms available, including surface wave alarms, subsurface alarms, and perimeter alarms.


All residential pools should have anti-entrapment drain covers installed to prevent swimmers from becoming trapped by the suction of the pool drain.


The chemicals used to keep pools clean and safe should be stored in a secure location that is inaccessible to children and pets.


Regular maintenance of the pool and its equipment is essential for preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of swimmers. Homeowners should check the pool’s chemical levels and inspect its equipment regularly.


One of the most important safety regulations for residential pools is adult supervision. Children should never be left unsupervised in or around a pool, and adults should avoid distractions while supervising swimmers.

Ensuring that your pool meets the new safety standards is essential for protecting the safety of your family and guests. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can enjoy your pool with peace of mind knowing that you’ve taken the necessary steps to ensure safety compliance.

Do you own a waterfront property?
You must apply for a permit and comply with the regulations of your municipality before doing any work on the edge of a watercourse.
To guide you, the Val-Saint-François MRC has created 6 information documents:

(documents not available in English)
FICHE 1: L’identification des cours d’eau
FICHE 2: Les barrages
FICHE 3: Rives
FICHE 4: Traverses: pont, ponceau
FICHE 5: Fossés et sorties de drain
FICHE 6: Projets d’agrandissement ou de développement