Our municipal inspector works remotely one day a week, on Wednesdays. She is not present at the municipal office.
Send your questions or requests by e-mail with all the information to the following address: inspecteur@melbournecanton.ca.
The various permit forms are available below. You must print them out and return them by e-mail or to the municipal office with payment. They will be studied by the municipal inspector, who will issue a permit if necessary.
Allow up to 30 days for a permit to be issued.
PERMITS FOR FOREST MANAGEMENT (trees): For deforestation work, you must contact Mr. Michaël Lemay, at the MRC of Val-Saint-François, geomatician and head of the regional forestry service by email at foret@val-saint-francois.qc.ca, or by phone at 819 826-6505, extension 301.