Policies – Obligations


The Township of Melbourne is committed to implementing the necessary mechanisms to facilitate access to documents and protect the personal, sensitive or confidential information.

It recognizes the importance of respecting privacy and protecting the personal information it holds.

Documents available in french only


Publication of the number of positions for which knowledge or a level of knowledge of a language other than French was required or desirable as of December 31st, 2023

In compliance with section 20.1 of « la Charte de la langue française » and section 11 of the Regulation respecting the language of the Administration, our (municipality/MRC/regie) is required to publish the following information on its website:

1. Total number of positions for which knowledge or a level of knowledge of a language other than French is required (necessary) : 0

2. Total number of positions for which knowledge or a level of knowledge of a language other than French is desirable (an asset): 0

3. Total number of employees of the Township of Melbourne at the end of the fiscal year: 4

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